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Kath is a mum, a writer and a breathworker.


She has been learning and growing as a mum, with many different communities, educators and caregivers of children locally and from all over the world, over the last 12 years. Together with them, she has and continues to move through the very real joys and challenges of the most important, and often undervalued, and judged, job in the world – raising our kids in the world of today.


Motherhood has been a steep learning curve and deep healing journey, through which Kath has gained a lot of experience and empowering tools and knowledge which she is keen to share.


Pre being a mum, Kath also loved to join with others and share skills, gifts, learnings and inspiration and to co-create projects, programs and platforms for this to happen.  With a passion and interest in the Arts and the Healing Arts for personal and social transformation, Kath has had the privilege to and much fun working with children, young people and families, fellow agents of change, artists, musicians, movers, shakers, healers, organisations, schools, youth centres, festivals and venues, in the UK, Europe, and also India over the years.


We all have a part to play in caring for the world’s children, so they may know, each and every one, they are a beautiful and unique gift, with something valuable to contribute to the whole, in this world we share. ​


“God picks up the reed-flute world and blows.
Each note is a need coming through one of us,
a passion, a longing pain.
Remember the lips
where the wind-breath originated,
and let your note be clear.
Don't try to end it.
Be your note.

I’ll show you how it’s enough”


Mawlana Jalal-al-Din Rumi


Girl washing her hair in the River Ganges, Rishikesh, 2010



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